What is Hop Gar Kung Fu?

Our system is based on the fighting principles of the ape and crane. It concentrates on power along with precision strikes, balance and control of the circle. Unlike most martial arts Hop Gar is a very brutal and very aggressive style. Hop Gar is NOT a "sport" martial art. We teach that every fight should be viewed as a fight to the death and should never last longer than five seconds. We feel very strongly that students should avoid a confrontation at all costs short of risking their personal safety or the safety of their loved ones. We are traditional in the training and conditioning process. A student must achieve an automatic response with their body without having to think about what to do when confronted or attacked. This is accomplished through thousands of hours of repetitive movements and drills.  Tibetan Chi Kung,  Iron Palm and Iron Robe, weapons and Chin Na are incorporated into training as well. We also highly stress proper diet and nutrition along with history of the Chinese culture through academic studies.

What is Tibetan Chi Kung?
Chi Kung is the ancient art and science of developing, harnessing and applying the body’s natural life force or Chi. It is used to maintain a proper energy balance and general health in the body. Chi Kung is a great way for students to increase energy levels and their life span.

What is Iron palm and Iron Robe?
Iron Palm and Iron Robe training are used to condition the hands and body to deliver devastating bone crushing strikes as well as to train the body to withstand attacks. Iron Palm and Iron Robe are only taught to the most advanced students. Once a student has learned Iron Palm and Iron Robe they are virtually impervious to harm. 

Weapons Training?
Each student will have the opportunity to learn several weapons. We concentrate on introducing students to the use of flexible weapons, long weapons such as the staff and bladed weapons. Weapons are viewed as an extension of the body and not as a substitute for a lack of empty hand skills.

What is Chin Na?
Chin Na is defined as “to capture and to hold”. With Chin Na training students will learn how to escape from any hold or grab that can be applied by an attacker. The student will also learn how to apply holds in the proper manner to an attacker so that they can be subdued. Chin Na is also instrumental in the learning of proper body mechanics.